Thursday, November 13, 2008
Challenged by a 6 year old
First, I would like to say that tensions were running high yesterday - we have all been suffering from the never ending stomach bug, Jayden has missed 3 days of school and we were all a little grouchy! Jayden had gotten in trouble several times for just picking on his brother, being bossy, and plain not thinking! After his bath when he was ordered out, we had our little confrontation: Jayden was crying and upset and saying that he just can't help it, that something inside him, that he has no control over, makes him do things. I tried to explain to him that he was "impulsive", and he had to learn to control his impulses. I told him that Daddy was impulsive and he had learned to control his (well, kind-of, except that he can't sit through church without bitting his nails off, rocking the pew, and "checking on the kids"- anyway) Then Jayden told me that Daddy and him were "Impulsive" and Kyler and I were "sensitive". (I guess I'll go with that). He kept saying that he couldn't control it and I told him that I help kids all day - that's what my work is and that I would help him. That's when the challenge came, he said "Well, you can help ALL these other kids, but you can't help ME". hummm, I now have Jayden penciled in for a "therapy" session on Sunday. I am thinking I can skip the rapport building part, seeing as he's my son, and skip right to the good stuff. All this said - Jayden is doing sooo good in school this year, and we have had a surprising lack of phone calls/emails from the school. He is still impulsive, so I guess I have a challenge!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Take a Hike!

After a few bouts with a little stomach bug that hit our household, we decided some fresh air would do us all good - so we headed to Devils Den. The boys were ready to get out and do something. Well, the big dilema for the entire hike was. . . who gets to be the leader? We ended up having Jayden and Kyler take turns. Jayden hiked down in some of the caves, Kyler still wasn't feeling his best. We meant to take the backpack for Evan, but somehow forgot it. (actually, we were searching for a transformer for Kyler before we left and got side tracked!) So, Evan walked some and was lugged some and by the end- Kerry was carrying Evan and I was carrying Kyler! We had a fun time and it was nice to get out. Next time we will take some flashlights and do a little more exploring!
Monday, November 3, 2008
The end of 2008 basketball season

Jayden had his last game of the season. Pop, CiCi, Aunti M and Uncle James-Alan were all there to cheer him on (along with the usual Pitts crew). Jayden was also very excited because his teacher, Mrs. Key, came to see him play as well. Later that week the team had an end of the year pizza party and they all got trophies. Kyler and Evan got to play basketball (thank goodness - I have been having to keep them off the court during practices ALL season, it was nice to just let them go!). For the first time Evan was not a handful during the practice - he had pizza, cupcake and a basketball! The first thing Jayden wanted to do was take it by and show Kerry. Jayden is very proud of his trophy. That night he took a shower with it, and slept with and I overheard him talking to his trophy saying he was going to take real good care of it. I also had Kyler asking about "real gold". Apparantly, Jayden has been telling him how much his "pure gold" trophy is worth!
Christmas Came Early!

A few weeks ago CiCi and Pop decided to surprise the boys with their christmas present (a little early), but a welcome surprise! I must say that I am as excited about the trampoline as the boys-- seeing as they were "too dangerous" when I was little. The boys haved bounced to exhaustion! It has been a great way to let out their energy. It is also a great place for the wrestling matches with Kerry to take place - no vases to knock over, or furniture to get in the way. Jayden is the official "leaf remover", however as you can see from the pictures he is falling down on his job! We are all enjoying the new trampoline!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Transformers, Commandos and Spiders -- Oh My!

On Halloween the boys were all up and ready to go early. Jayden was super excited about pumpkin carving day. Kerry and Jayden headed off to school, for the carving fun. The boys and I carved a pumpkin that afternoon, however Evan wanted nothing to do with it, So Kyler was my helper. That evening, Pop, CiCi and Aunti M, came up to join in on the trick or treat excitment. We all met Kerry's at Breaux's, he closed up and we headed to the Bunches. With 7 kids and all the adults we went house to house loading up on candy. Even Evan got into it - He would follow the crew up to the door and say "trick or treat" and "Thank you". Kyler was "Optimus Prime" and even had on transformer underwear (which he insisted on), Jayden was "Rector Commando" (don't ask - because we don't know who he is either - but Jayden liked the costume!), and Evan was a Spider - however he was called everything from a tick to a chigger!
We were up late, but the boys had to take inventory! The new rule is that all trading - has to go through me or Kerry. Otherwise, Jayden will work some unfair deals when trading Kyler for "Kyler safe candy".
More on October

Last weekend Me, Jayden, Kyler and Pop went to the Razorback game while CiCi watched Evan. Kerry had planned on working, but shut down early and he got to go to the game as well. It was the Ole Miss/AR game. Jayden said he was rooting for Arkansas and Kyler said he was rooting for whoever was winning (at least I had one that would be rooting for my team!). The boys barely made it to halftime. We might need to wait a few years before the excitement of a football game gets to them! They did enjoy the concessions!
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