Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Snow, Snow, Go Away . . We don't want to be in School after MAY!!

8 snow days and counting and it's just the beginning of January!  We had some fun "Christmasy" snow in December, beautiful ski-able snow in Colorado . .  I. Am. Done. My spring break dreaming might get the best of me!  No snow bum pics this go around, we didn't even venture out in it!

Finally, the boys have had a full week of school last week! No snow days! We are back to normal . .
Kyler's basketball season is in full swing!  Our honor roll boys pulled out another great 9 weeks!  It wasn't the easiest of nine weeks either . . . a rough November - I wasn't the most attentive to homework that month!,  lots of snow days and a Christmas break - but they still pulled off ALL A's for Jayden, ALL A's and B's for Kyler and ALL pluses for Evan!  WAHOO!

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