Tuesday, March 29, 2016

March Madness

The lunch bunch . . 
 3rd grade spring musical time . . 
 funny side note:  Evan had a speaking line - which he did great.  But, when it came to singing - not one mouth movement.  He did all the motions, but didn't even fake singing.  He had told me before he was NOT singing.  Friends' parents noticed and thought he wasn't singing because he had had strep the week before . .  nope - just being a little toot:)! 
 Off to the races!  Kyler had plans to meet up at the movies with friends, Evan had a birthday party.  Our Hot Springs plans were not going as planned, but it worked out because Jayden got to bring a friend.  Fun little quick trip to the Spa City! 
 Pittsboy tooth loss is always interesting.  This one got knocked out at recess by a football . .  how cool is that?!!

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