Monday, September 5, 2016

Twas the Night Before School Starts 2016

This annual picture gets harder to take every year - but it HAS to happen . .  it's tradition!  Our future 9th grader, Freshman in High School. . .this is it folks, the beginning of High School days; lots of memories will be made.  He will wake up bright and early and head to football practice and begin his first day in HIGH SCHOOL . . .
 Our future 4th graders . . . no more Pop Williams Elementary for the Pitts . .  it's on to Ledbetter Intermediate for our 4th graders.  He will be changing classes starting his first year of Cardinal football . . .
 Our future 7th grader . . soon to be a teenager.  He will be changing classes and begin his first year of football out of the Peewee program . . .
Good night Pittsboys!  Despite my post party house, post football signups garage and desk . . . the house is ready to start this year: lunches are on the island, first day outfits are selected, new backpacks by the back door and alarms are set.  Let's do this! 

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