Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Introducing CoCo. . .

Meet the newest member of our family . . . CoCo. CoCo was brought to the boys by Santa and was named by Santa. The boys just love her. Both Kyler and Jayden can be caught hugging and telling her they love her, multiple times during the day. I have even caught Jayden telling her that she is his "favorite girl" - to which I respond - what about Mommy? To that he replies - well, you AND CoCo are my favorites (glad to know I'm right up there with a dog!). CoCo goes in the car with us to take Jayden to school and pick him up, as well as any runs to Breaux's we have to make. Anything that doesn't involved everyone going in - CoCo is along for the ride! Evan is constantly consumed with her - and loves to let her out to "go teetee". Evan is also usually the one that gets the most nips by her - he is lower to the ground and he likes to ball up on the floor - she thinks he's playing! She's a handful - but lots of fun!

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