Monday, January 10, 2011

Say CHEESE!! (please, please!)

Can I just say that the thought of a family photo shoot causes instant panic within me . . .I mean it's just so much pressure! You have to expect 3 rowdy boys (probably not in the best of moods) to ALL cooperate at the same time AND you and sig. other to cooperate and not look stressed . . . all the while trying to capture the essence of your family . . . yeah . . PRESSURE! However, we just happen to know the person who can capture that essence no matter the chaos (chasing dog, minor meltdown and failing bribery system!) . . .Meredith Curtis (AKA fav kindergarten teacher of Kyler)!

We had our photo shoot in November on the UofA campus . . .I think we got some great pics!

Jayden Phillip Pitts:

Kyler Dell Pitts:

Evan James Pitts:


Stacy said...

Great pictures, and let me tell ya, Cameron is 12 and he still acts "fussy" when we do pictures!! it never ends! ha

Stacy said...

Great pictures, and let me tell ya, Cameron is 12 and he still acts "fussy" when we do pictures!! it never ends! ha