Tuesday, November 29, 2011
DAILY Thanks
In case you didn't see the previous post - I have a camera missing in action that holds Turkey Day celebration memories - however -my Arkadoo pics were taken on my NEW iphone 4 from the hubs and boys for my birthday --- look at Kerry getting good at gifts (it only took me 12 years to get to this point!) Anyhow - let the Thanking begin . . .
Mom always sets a beautiful table . . .
Waiting on food.
Brotherly helping.
Pop, on a treadmill with a beer . . .don't see that everyday:)
Kerry carrying on his brown and serve traditional duty . . . they were fab:)
Pre-dinner picking by Auntie M and Jayden.
Thanksgiving in Carlisle
This party doesn't have just one Thanksgiving . . . we have THREE! So, here we go to stop #2 - Carlisle!
We prepared our own feast here . . . the boys helped cook too!Yum! Yum! Lots of food!
There you have it - a Carlisle Thanksgiving . . now on to Arkadoo for our final feast!
Sheridan Thanksgiving
Some four-wheelin' and dirt bikin' . . .
It was a fun celebration of Thanksgiving - food, family, hunting and cowboying!
A sausage biscuit in your insulated underwear after a morning ride . . . perfection!
Cowboy Kyler . . .It was a fun celebration of Thanksgiving - food, family, hunting and cowboying!
Friday, November 18, 2011
Bucks Beware!
Sunday, November 13, 2011
The last home game of the Razorback season was Saturday, AR vs. Tennessee. . . and we were there to cheer them on!
A tailgating pep rally.
Some cheerful boys.
Hog calling during the game.
High fiving of random strangers after a touchdown.

We made it on the the jumbo-tron TWO times! To the boys, that makes us famous! It was a fun game; we tailgated, withstood the tremendous WIND, watched warm-ups and pre-game, ate one of everything at the concession stand, called the Hogs, made the jumbotron, and headed home! (honestly - we didn't make it through the entire game - we decided watching from the couch in our pj's for the last part sounded too good to pass up!) Go HOGS!

Saturday, November 12, 2011
How Tough Do You Have to Be . .
. . .to be the youngest of the Pitts Brothers . . . pretty darn tough!
Late Sunday afternoon in the midst of a game of "cops and robbers" - a bang, then a yell could be heard . . .then all you could hear were 2 older brothers giving their account of what happened to their littlest brother! We honestly didn't care at that point - a trip to Urgent Care was warranted! Evan told the doc, they were playing cops and robbers and he never gets to be a cop, he always has to be the robber, then he fell and hit his head on the door. What a tough little guy! No numbing required for him, some glue stiches and three butterfly stitches and he was good as new! He also got a certificate of Bravery to Taco Bell - way to go EVAN!
Let it Shine! Let it Shine! Let it Shine!
Jayden had his first Acolyte duty last Sunday. We went up for a practice run on Friday afternoon and found out that it was also, Communion Sunday -- extra duties for a newby Acolyte! Jayden was PERFECT! From the candle lighting, to the offering plates, to children's moment, to SITTING ON STAGE BEHIND THE PREACHER THROUGH THE SERMON . . yeh - AMAZING grace! -- AND taking Communion with the Pastors and saying "the blood of christ" to each congregation member as they went through the line for intinction.
Did I say, PERFECTION! wheh! From smearing tackles on Saturday, to angelic servant on Sunday - this boy has some dimention!
Closing Out the Seasons
Last weekend we wrapped up Cardinal football season and Kyler's basketball season. I must say that BOTH games were the boys BEST! They went out with a Bang!***they both said they dedicated their games to Nibbles :)
It was such an exciting game! You kept hearing over the speaker . . ." Number 5 Jayden Pitts on the tackle". I mean tackle, after tackle!
Jayden had a great first year as a Cardinal Football Player and I think Kerry had equally as great a time being Coach! (Jayden's pretty proud of his daddy, too!)
Kyler really gets after it on the court! He made the BEST play I have every seen . . . from the opposite goal - he dribbled down court, through opposing players -spun around and made a GOAL! WOW! Play of the game for sure!
Don't think that we have free weekends now . . .nope - conviently - Jayden's basketball season started on Sunday . . . things will be calmer since we don't have 2 seasons going on at once!
Did you smell something coming down Double Springs? It was just the football equiptment for the 4th, 5th and 6th grade pee wee program in my garage! Have you every smelt the football equipment of ONE 9-12 year old boy . . . ugh! Now imagine the equipment of over 80 9-12 year old boys . . .triple ugh!

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