Saturday, November 12, 2011

How Tough Do You Have to Be . .

. . .to be the youngest of the Pitts Brothers . . . pretty darn tough! Late Sunday afternoon in the midst of a game of "cops and robbers" - a bang, then a yell could be heard . . .then all you could hear were 2 older brothers giving their account of what happened to their littlest brother! We honestly didn't care at that point - a trip to Urgent Care was warranted! Evan told the doc, they were playing cops and robbers and he never gets to be a cop, he always has to be the robber, then he fell and hit his head on the door. What a tough little guy! No numbing required for him, some glue stiches and three butterfly stitches and he was good as new! He also got a certificate of Bravery to Taco Bell - way to go EVAN!

Have you noticed all the events that took place over this one little weekend . . . the death of a beloved family pet, closing out football and basketball season, tons and I mean TONS of football laundry, Acolyte duty at the 8:30 service and stitches to the head of our youngest!! wheh!

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