Here are some more actions shots . . .
This is me before I chickened out and didn't go down the hill --that's right, Mom Mode kicked in when I saw children flying at full speed over ramps and dodging street signs!
Kyler has NO FEAR on the sled, he was by far the bravest and would FLY down the hill and never bail off - he rode it to end . . . and got the breath knocked out of him a few time.
Gearing up for Evan to go down the hill . . . if this picture had sound you would hear me giving strict instructions to "go slow" and "be careful".
and thier off (my teeth are clinched!)
See, Kerry had it under control . . .
Kyler heading back up the hill, after he veered off course, flew over a hay bail and continued down the street! (we were all amazement!)
Great view, I know. . . thanks for the pic Kerry!
Evan eating more snow. . .that stuff must be good!
Me and Kyler getting ready to be launched by Jayden . . he wasn't suppossed to push us!!(he dosn't follow directions very well!)
our final destination. . . . we were fussing at Jayden for pushing us!
Not real sure what Evan is doing . . .
Random shot of the action