Sunday, January 31, 2010

Just call us Snow Bums!

I don't even know what day it is. . . ohhh --Sunday. . .that's right. It's hard to tell because no matter the day of the week, our day goes as follows. . . wake-up, build a fire, eat, play legos, eat, put a log on the fire, play, eat, sled, eat, go to bed. And looks like there are more to come, no school tommorrow either.

Here are some more actions shots . . .

This is me before I chickened out and didn't go down the hill --that's right, Mom Mode kicked in when I saw children flying at full speed over ramps and dodging street signs!

Kyler has NO FEAR on the sled, he was by far the bravest and would FLY down the hill and never bail off - he rode it to end . . . and got the breath knocked out of him a few time.

Gearing up for Evan to go down the hill . . . if this picture had sound you would hear me giving strict instructions to "go slow" and "be careful".

and thier off (my teeth are clinched!)

See, Kerry had it under control . . .

Kyler heading back up the hill, after he veered off course, flew over a hay bail and continued down the street! (we were all amazement!)

Great view, I know. . . thanks for the pic Kerry!

Evan eating more snow. . .that stuff must be good!

Me and Kyler getting ready to be launched by Jayden . . he wasn't suppossed to push us!!(he dosn't follow directions very well!)

our final destination. . . . we were fussing at Jayden for pushing us!

Not real sure what Evan is doing . . .

Random shot of the action

We had a great time, if we only had skis and snowboards and maybe even a ski lift. . . who needs colorado!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Hillbilly Sled Team

Yesterday was just a warm-up folks . . .now we are really getting down to business. Come one and come all -- grab your sleds, innertubes, cardboard, skateboards (minus the wheels), swimming pools and anything else you can possibly gain some speed on; strap your kids up to a 4-wheeler and come on!!

Kyler finding a new use for a kiddy pool

Jayden behind the 4-wheeler

Kerry giving it a try

more 4-wheelin

Kyler bailing off an innertube

Kerry sliding down (minus a sled)

what a crew! (dogs and all!)

Kyler aka the MISSILE

More of the crew

Notice that the "snowboard" is out in front of Jayden

Evan eating more snow. . . just couldn't get enough yesterday!

Yep, that's the missile again!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Let it SNOW!

Well, congrats weathermen - you were right -- the winter storm has arrived! I am stocked up on candles, milk, bread, batteries, propane, -- everything you need for the electricity to go out - thankfully no power outages as of yet! By last night at bedtime we had gotten the text "SCHOOLS OUT"! We spent our Snow Day lounging by the fire, playing with legos, roasting weenies and marshmellows over the fire (even though we don't have to) and then of course - some SLEDDING!

Here's the whole Fam --bundled and ready to play!

Some snowball fighting, a little too rough though! (some tears were shed)

Me and Evan -- Evan ate more snow than he played I think!

CoCo loves the snow!

Jayden being launched and a little disappointed at his lack of speed! (this is super fluffy snow, it is like walking on clouds!)

Kyler Zooming down the hill

All my boys at play. Remember this is a street we are on! It is still coming down. . . I'm sure we will be out again tomorrow!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Underwear Plunger Dude . . .

Not a superhero, Not a ninja. . it's "underwear plunger dude"! As Kerry and I heard screams of fright and pittering-pattering feet through our house we were surprised to find out that it was Jayden and Kyler who were running in fear . . Evan was out for revenge and lookin fierce! I think I would be running too . . .oh the germs that must be lurking. . . uggghhhh!

Fun times at Fun City

We celebrated Kyler's 6th birthday this past weekend with a bang of a party! He invited students from his class . . . (you never know, you can have 2 or 20!!). . he had a great turn out and lots of fun! The kiddos ran around, played video games, ate pizza, ate cupcakes and opened presents. AND -- Kyler got to spin the wheel and he landed on 1,000 tickets! - they said he was the FIRST to land on it since they moved to their new location! Way to SPIN Kyler! It was a great celebration! Following this celebration the entire crew was exhausted - we spent the rest of the weekend playing with all the new toys he got -- it was like Christmas!