Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The 100th day!

The 100th day of waking at 6:30, packing lunches, getting dressed, brushing teeth and hair, whipping up some pancakes and bacon and scurrying out the door to make it out of our driveway by 7:30 so we can make it to Pop Williams by school time (school starts at 7:50)!

The 100th day of saying "have a great day" and watching my two little cuties barrel out of the car --sometimes pushing each other -- and walk into the school to begin their school day.

The 100th day of leaving the house by 2:30 to get in line to pick up the cutest kindergartner and 2nd grade you've ever seen! And watching the expression on their faces as they enter the car.

The 100th day of asking "did anything exciting happen today?" And getting the usual roll of the eyes from Jayden, and sometimes an interesting story from Kyler (Mrs. Curtis' class must be quit exciting!)

What a great 100 days it has been. The boys are loving school, their teachers and their classmates! YEAH boys for having a great 100 days of school! To top it off, we had parent-teacher conferences today - and got GLOWING reports on both boys -- they are both such smartys!

Kyler's class celebrated with a 100 day celebration at snack time where they count out different finger foods to make 100! Jayden had told me before he left for school that 2nd graders don't celebrate the 100th day --- BUT when I picked him up he was sporting a 100th day hat and was reporting lots of celebrating!

Here's some little funnies about the boys and school. . . .

Kyler's class has share time each day and I think Kyler tells some pretty colorful stories. As things happen at home he will say, "oooh, this is what I'm going to share about tomorrow!" Of all the exciting things that happend during the snow break, guess what Kyler wanted to "share" -- the story about the exploding candle and mommy using work gloves and a cookie sheet to run it through the house and out the front door onto the snow, where it "exploded" when it hit the snow. Yep- THAT's what he shared with the class!

As I said earlier, each day I ask the boys if anyting exciting happened -- one day I didn't ask this and on our way home Jayden said, "aren't you going to ask the question who always ask? because something DID happen today" --okay, so I asked it and THIS is what is exciting to a 2nd grader --"Carter lost his tooth and it was a SILVER one!! ----so unless someone looses a tooth, gets punched - pretty much anything involving blood - nothing exciting happened!

ANYTHING that Mrs. Curtis says is the law! If Mrs. Curtis' didn't say it, it's not true! I think I might need her on speed dial on the weekends:)!

DON'T pick Jayden up early -- he will give you the look from you know where! He dosn't want to miss all his chit chatten he does in the car riders line with his "3rd grade friends".

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