Saturday, February 13, 2010

Stranger Danger!

First, before I even start . . .I know, I know, I know . . there are many things I did wrong in the scenerio I am about to tell you about . . . BUT, we are all now prepared for the situation if it ever happens again.

Last night about 7:30 -- dark outside, Kerry at weekly poker with the guys, our doorbell rang. I opened the door (dumb, dumb I know). The guy asked if my husband was home, I said, No (again, I know, dumb, dumb) and then he walked forward like he was going to come in the house -- I immediatley realized my stupidity and SLAMMED the door on him with all my might and locked it quickly. I called Kerry in a panic and he dropped his hand and flew out the door to head home, in the meantime he called Joe our neighbor a few houses down. Joe grabbed his gun and flew out his door . . . as all this is going on, the boys are terrified and I am frantically making sure doors and windows are all locked! Boys are screaming "Call 911" and Jayden wants to get his gun!

Joe ran into the guy in HIS driveway and pulled his gun on him. Apparantly, the guy was just wandering around extremely drunk.

911 was called, Kerry got home, 3 cop cars sweeped our street, boys were frantic and enjoying the excitement a little, and Joe and Lei drove down to see how it all shook out.

Where oh where was my ever barking DOG during all this -- the one that barks at raccoons and squirrels was somehow enjoying a little nap on the deck!! No telling how all this is going to come out when it is explained to the boys classes on Monday -- cause you know this is share time worthy for Kyler!

Lesson Learned: DON'T OPEN THE DOOR!!!!!, we practiced and you can hear through the door, so we all know to talk through the door and not open it!

(Dad--- I know, I know . . no need for a safety lecture -- I got it)


The Williams said...

No lecture from me. Remember, I am the one that let a guy feel my leg at a gas station when we first moved to Dallas. He was doing a survey on razors. Glad you guys are all okay!!!

Anonymous said...

what a story, how scary!!! I saw your Mim today, she was in town to visit my dad and asked if I had read your scary stranger blog yet, people are so crazy these days!!

Julee said...

Oh my gosh! That is so scary! I am just not reading this post for some reason! Matt tells me constantly NOT to open the door and always so that he is at home even if he isn't! HA! Glad it all ended well!