Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Pitts (ARMpitts that is)

Just a quick little funny . . . . The other day after baseball practice Jayden said something to Kerry about his armpits being wet. Then, later that night he told me he thought he might need to put on some deodorant because his arms were ". . you know, (waves his hands under his arms) . . fuming". How funny! Well, I kinda forgot about it and the next morning as I am hustling them out the door for school, I can't find Jayden. . . he was in our bathroom with the door locked. . . when he emerged and ran out the door, I made him stop and tell me what he was doing (just making sure we weren't sneaking anything to school, like a pocket knife!) He finally, said "you know, (pointed under his arms)!" So I am going to buy some Deodorant for him to keep in his bathroom, so he doesn't have to sneak around:)! Awwwhhhh -- next thing you know I'll be buying shaving cream!

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