Monday, August 20, 2012

First Day Updates!

Sorry, no pics with this post . . . I just wanted to remember how things went!  Evan ran to the car with the biggest smile on his face saying in the cutest little voice, " I Llllovvveedd it!"  I pretty much can't ask for a better first day for the little guy!  Apparantly, his teacher is the "awesomest", he made 11 friends (and Evan is very specific about this friend stuff - he's kinda like facebook - he asks - will you be my friend and then if accepted then they are officially your friend), and opening his lunch box is like opening a treasure chest!  We heard who got in trouble, who had a Justin Beiber lunch box AND backpack (ooh gross!) and all about his TWO recesses!  His older brothers are pretty disgusted with this. . . I mean they had to do real stuff:) . .  according to them, Kindergarten is a party!

Kyler's report -- they had to do WORK!  I guess when you loop, you don't need to get into all that "newness" - just get right down to business! He did say that he had a good day and is really excited about the decrease in homework this year!  Can't beat that!

Jayden's report -- it was "SCHOOL" - meaning just what I'm not sure.  He said he likes his teachers and is excited that he gets a LOCKER this year!  wahoo - that's big time! 

When the boys entered the house they said, "ewwhh it smells like toilet bowl cleaner in here".  Hmmm --as opposed to smelling like a urinal . .?  I'll take that as a compliment!  At least my bathrooms can be clean betweek 8 and 3 everyday!

Let's remember we are on day 1 of the honeymoon phase . . . let's hope the excitement continues!  Evan told me tonight when I tucked him in that I can just drop him off in the morning.  When asked if he was sure, because I can still walk him in . . . he looked me like I was crazy and said while shrugging his shoulders, "I know where my class is now".  And just like that, he's a big boy!

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