Guess who is ELEVEN years old??!! Happy Birthday to Jayden Phillip! He got a SWWEEETTT new Electric Guitar with amp and all the tools 2 days before his special day because he just couldn't wait! He had gotten to try it out at his Guitar lesson on Tuesday and could think of nothing else!

He got to be King for the day -- he did have to go to school - even the King can't get out of that! BUT, he had breakfast at IHOP with Kerry . . . then Subway delivered by his Momma for lunch! I sure do love getting the rockstar status at school lunches with all his friends! He even said, "I love you Mom, see ya" as he departed the cafeteria . .!!! He's a pretty sweet Eleven year old!
He had 2 friends spend the night - we went to the movies and did some hot tubbin'. He still hasn't decided on his party, yet. . so we just focused on the special day!
About 10:00 on his birthday night, he was regretting that he shook things up and went against tradition. I had told him if he had friends over on his actual birthday we wouldn't do the birthday dinner, etc. . . my boy loves tradition and got teary and wanted his friends to leave! Talk about DRAMA KING! It all started when he saw his baby book sitting out, and every year we sit down and relive his first year, but this year he had friends over. . . needless to say - we rescheduled his traditional birthday activities for another night!! His dinner selection: Lasagna, broccoli cheese soup, caesar salad and old fashioned apple cake for dessert. It's like I always say. . . don't mess with tradition! Lesson learned!
Happy Birthday my sweet, tackling, impulsive, smart, book lovin', football lovin, guitar playin', TRADITION lovin' boy!