Monday, March 25, 2013

Islanders Part 3, Sea Turtles and Gators: Spring Break 2013

On our way from Hawk's Cay (Marathon) to Key West we stopped off at the Sea Turtle Hospital for a tour.  The boys learned alot and were front and center the entire tour and asking questions.  This was right up their alley!

We saw the hospital and rehab facility and lots of sea turtles!
I'm going to skip ahead a bit and go ahead and post about our other animal adventure - Gators with the Gator Boys!  We did this the last day since it was in Holiday Isle right outside Miami in the everglades.  We took an airboat out to see alligators in their natural habitat - really cool!  Plus we were at the place where they film the "Gatorboys" tv show - which the boys watch and love!

The air boat went really fast and just skimmed the top of the water - pretty cool!

I hope this is the only time I am that close to a wild gator!
After the airboat we saw some of the the alligators that they had recently rescued - they hold them there until they can place them in a zoo, etc.
The boys also got to hold a baby gator . .  which is always fun!

The Pitts family fixing to explore the everglades . . .

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