Saturday, March 5, 2011

Can You Feel the LOVE

We started off this LOVING day with our annual sweetheart breakfast -- aren't you loving my heart shaped ice?!

Jayden had to make a valentines box for his school party -- take a look at what an oatmeal container can become! You have to stick you hand inside the sharks mouth to leave your Valentine! Kyler didn't have to make one this year - his class had already made sacks in class.

Of course Evan and I did some partying with the boys . . .

Here is Kyler's class showing off their smacks ...notice that Kyler is doing his "call me" sign --- he's in that hand signal phase I guess.

Kyler's class did word scrabbles -- these boys initially used their letters to spell "sore" instead of "rose" -- hey, it's a word and proabably meant more to them than "rose"! ha!

Lots of Love!

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