Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Braking News . . . (literally!)

No, Kyler is not flipping you off . . . he just broke his "cuss finger"! Have you ever seen such a happy kid after a doctors appointment that involved drilling a hole in his fingernail?! He fractured the tip of his finger (no growth plates involved or anything super damaging) while up to bat last night -- amazing what a ball going 40 miles an hour and a swinging bat can do! He thinks it's pretty cool, now - last night , however - quite the drama! This afternoon he said, "I can't wait to go back to school and tell everybody what I did this summer - caught 2 snakes, caught a tarantula and broke my finger!" - what more could a boy ask for! and it's just the first week of summer! Phineus and Ferb have nothing on us Pitts'! (sorry for the Disney channel reference - but, it's my life!)

1 comment:

Kara Oosterhous said...

OMG! I did that too when we were playing softball....only it was my thumb! Hope Kyler is doing O.K. and I'll try to call you soon! We keep playing phone tag! Miss ya!