Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Just Catching Up . . .

I'm still here, just kinda got blogged out:)! But, I will go ahead and sum up the last week and half ! It has POURED for the last 10 days!! We are a little stir crazy! Baseball has been on an extended vacay due to this swampy weather - - So, since there's not a whole lot to do when it's raining, I don't think I have taken a single picture! EXCEPT for the picture of our brand new couth and love seat!! LOVE THEM!! Since we got the new furniture Kerry and I both have fallen asleep in the living room and had to move to our room in the middle of the night!! (soooo, unlike me!) I guess that means it's comfy! I did a ONE day shopping trip (with Jayden and Kyler) found it, got it approved by KP and picked it up-- all within a few hours on Saturday (again, sooooo unlike me to be so decisive!)
THE BOYS: let's see . . . last week Jayden had two asthma attacks at school (lovely) so he went to the doc and has been doing good ole breathing treatments and on steroids; last night (aka EARLY this morning) Kyler threw up -- makes me a little nervous, kinda hoping it's just a virus -- but seems more like his ole throwing up pattern and we have been making some diet changes, so???? . . .we'll see. And Evan . . . is just Evan -- talking constantly, asking questions constantly, wants to go . . to Florida, to the condo, heck anywhere!
Other than our chronic little issues all is well! The sun is coming out and we are counting the days til summer!!! JUST 9 MORE SCHOOL DAYS!!!!

****soon to post -- Kerry's b-day!!*****

1 comment:

The Williams said...

where is the picture of the couch and love seat??? hope kyler gets to feeling better and those asthma attacks stay away!