Saturday, September 11, 2010

An A+ in Soccer Mom 301

We aren't talking about some rookie, freshman level Soccer Mom class - I'm talking senior level - gotta know your stuff - "SPORTS Momma" - cause, it's not all soccer! I have scooted by those lower level classes, but this year --- I've gotta have my A game on! My first exam (today) I don't quite have my A-game on, more like I'm holding a strong C average, but you just wait, the semester has just begun!

I have decided that a lot can be learned from our college days: rolling outta bed and slapping on gym shorts and sorority t-shirt, lacing up our running shoes, and sporting a fully packed back-pack - put on both shoulder's cause you gotta hike it to class -- discretely taking a back seat, 'cause your mere presence is success in it's own, winging it through a pop-quiz and making sure you have the base of your homework grade! --when you think about it, not much different than Soccer mom! I am reverting back to those days - and next week, you just wait -- I will be prepared for the pop quiz (minor meltdown, needing a snack, extra water, etc) and prepared for the bonus points (ice pack and band-aides).
Today, we scooted by -- we were at all three games on time, no major meltdowns and a small selection of sideline snacks slung in the backpack last minute! I even managed to get some pics!

We started off at Evan's soccer game. Evan has a whole team of backseat coaches - Jayden heading that up!
He is just getting the hang of all this, and is just proud to be on his own team! He had a blast!

Then we progressed to Jayden's game (across town) - but that was not without a darting stop off at home for a quick wardrobe change - Kerry and I weren't quite prepared to be in this sweltering heat for the next 3 hours!

Jayden is #6 -- He did awesome! He got some great tackles in and stopped the other team from scoring. The Goblins WON!

This is Evan during Jayden's game. If you will note the water proof table cloth - perfect for setting up camp on the side lines- also doubles as a "chill out/time out" spot - in case it's needed! (I cheated off of an A+ Soccer Mom in Soccer 101 a few years ago for this idea!)

Kerry had some duties during Jayden's game . . .

There he is, Pitts #6 - Corner Back on Defense and Wide Receiver on Offense.

And last but not least - The Jets for flag football (on the same fields as Jayden's thank goodness!)

Kyler made the only touchdown for his team!!! AWESOME!! The Jets got beat, but it was WIN for Kyler!

A must for any sports day - snacks for those on the sidelines!

There he is . . .for the JETS - KYLER PITTS! (looking kinda tough, don't ya think?!)

This is Evan during Kyler's game, extremely hot outside and he is covered in his Bink -- there was a purpose - he was playing a game on Kerry's iphone - possibly calling China - either way - he was quiet and content!

So there you have it - what you need for a C average. Here's my study guide for next week - I'm aiming high!:
*Individual backpacks for each boy with snacks, capri-suns, bonus candy pack, hotwheels and anything else to keep them munching and busy.
*I'm rolling outta bed and putting my college clothes on folks! My backpack will prepared for any BONUS points that come my way - falling off monkey bars, scraped knees, epi-pen, empty bottle to pee in (yeah, just keeping it real), and you name it!
All I can say is . . . bring it on! Just remember the work gets harder later in the semester - new material --- 2 more basketball games thrown into this equation - that equals FIVE sporting events in ONE morning! I will have my A-Game on, though!

1 comment:

Kara Oosterhous said...

Good Lord you make me tired! You go super Mama... sounds like you got your "A Game" on to me!